
Printing - copy shop and online sale on our website. Customize t-shirts, mugs, mugs, backpacks, tote bags, beer mugs and much more.

Print quality on the products and perfect finish.

Photo pictures
Your image has to be adapted to the actual size of the item you want to print.
Only upload of JPG, PNG and PDF files is allowed.
Upload the file with the highest quality you have, up to 64 MB.
Before continuing with the purchase attach the file below

Photo canvas
Choose the desired size according to the photo.
Only JPG, PNG and PDF files can be uploaded.
Upload the file with the highest quality you have, up to 64 MB.
Attach file, below, before making the purchase.
Fly Banners Rectangular
Design and upload your image to visualize how the final product would look.
Only JPG, PNG and PDF files can be uploaded.
Upload the file with the highest quality you have, up to 64 MB.
Attach file, below, before making the purchase.

Fly Banner Surf
Design and upload your image to visualize how the final product would look.
Only JPG, PNG and PDF files can be uploaded.
Upload the file with the highest quality you have, up to 64 MB.
Attach file, below, before making the purchase.

Fly Banner Gota
Design and upload your image to visualize how the final product would look.
Only JPG, PNG and PDF files can be uploaded.
Upload the file with the highest quality you have, up to 64 MB.
Attach file, below, before making the purchase.

Custom Calendars
Customize your calendar by providing the photos you want and the desired format.
Choose the format you want
Name each image with its corresponding month.
Upload the 12 images in a compressed file (.zip)