Custom Calendars
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Custom Calendars

Customize your calendar by providing the photos you want and the desired format.


  1. Choose the format you want
  2. Name each image with its corresponding month.
  3. Upload the 12 images in a compressed file (.zip)

€13.90 Tax included

€11.49 Tax excluded

Upload File(s)

Before continuing you must attach the files so that we can make the personalized order.

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Max File Size : 64 MB

Upload only : JPG,PDF,PNG,PSD,ZIP

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Calendars are a good gift and I remember where you can choose the format you want:

  • A3 format with metal spiral to hang on the wall. 12 sheets of 300gr.
  • A4 format with metal spiral to hang on the wall. 12 sheets of 300gr.
  • A5 desktop format with base and 12 sheets of 160gr.
  • Format 1/3 of A4 for desktop with base and 12 sheets of 160gr.
  • Format 1 sheet of 300gr. with every month.
1000 Items